Critters Game
LRC 4330 Blackgold Dr, Leduc, Alberta, CanadaBring a new, unwrapped toy for the Leduc Santa's Helpers Christmas Hampers
Bring a new, unwrapped toy for the Leduc Santa's Helpers Christmas Hampers
Bring your new, unwrapped gifts and drop them off with our Volunteers
Location: Downtown Leduc Date: November 25th, 2023 Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Doors open at 10:00am, Auction starts at 11:00am
Leduc Santa’s Helpers Auction – Terms & Conditions 1. By the registration and participation in this Auction you are agreeing to ALL Terms & Conditions set forth. 2. Bidder is responsible for their Bidder Number and all purchases related to the Bidder Number. If your Bidder number is misplaced or lost you must inform the Auctioneer immediately. Your purchases are required to be immediately paid for. Another Bidder number can be requested subject to the approval of the Auctioneer. 3. All items will be sold to the highest bidder. 4. Successful Bidder fully implies they have adequately inspected their purchase. 5. Successful Bidder is immediately responsible for the payment and security of their purchased item. 6. ALL items successful to the Bidder must be paid in full. No Items may be singled out for payment. Failure to make payment on ALL items forfeits ALL Bidder purchases at the discretion of the Auctioneer. 7. All items are sold AS IS, WHERE IS 8. No Warranty is expressed or implied unless so stated by the Auctioneer at the time of selling. 9. The Auctioneer will have complete and final say on any bidding / Bidder discrepancy including but not limited to the resale of a disputed Item. 10. All Bidder purchases MUST be paid for on auction day in FULL before any item can be removed. 11. Acceptable methods of payment include: • CASH • INTERAC Transactions GST is not applicable Buyers Premium is not applicable. PLEASE INSPECT YOUR PURCHASES BEFORE YOU BUY. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING LEDUC SANTA’S HELPERS SUPPORTING OUR 34 YEARS HELPING FAMILIES. By clicking yes you agree to the Auction Terms & Conditions